Sunday, January 20, 2008

hostel lyf

Carefree life is a privilege which the workaholic will avoid even in the wildest of their dreams. But some long to have such kind of life, where they have got no assignments, no responsibilities and no one to question them. They get what they desire at the slightest effort. They have the latest facility available and life is completely cool. Then there are some who live life their way. It can be anything, music, sports, girls, food, studies, movies, computers, or even gossiping. If they are into it, nothing stops them from doing what they like. Any guesses, where do we get to see such diverse species?

Hostels! Obviously. These welcome us to an amalgamation of cultures. The activity as well as inactivity is worth observing. One gets to see here, an environment of opposites, Silence and din, rock and soft, drunkards and ascetics, cigarette and incense sticks, theists and atheists, optimists and pessimists. One can go on and on, endlessly describing the ambience of a hostel. Away from the plains and heat, in these hills we learn the lesson of life i.e. to adjust, accommodate, and adapt to the circumstances.


AK Brahma said...
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Narayana Swamy K said...

Totally agreed man... The only thing thats missing in the hostels good food..:P

prashant said...

why did u stop at that?? u were writing well..

am waiting for its sequel..